时间:2025-01-19 点击数:
What happens when the biggest tech company in the world stops buying your products?想象一下,当全球仅次于的科技公司暂停出售你的产品时会再次发生什么呢?Imagination Technologies is learning that lesson right now -- and its very painful.英国芯片设计商Imagination Technologies就正在经历着这样一幕,并且很伤痛。Apple told the British company it plans to stop licensing the firms technology in about two years. As soon as the news came out, Imagination shares plunged by as much as 72%. Theyve recovered slightly since.苹果于日前告诉这家英国公司,计划在未来两年内暂停对该公司技术的用于许可。该消息刚一收到就造成了Imagination公司的股份暴跌72%,到目前也只是有严重的完全恢复。
Imagination Technologies owns and licenses intellectual property that helps power the graphics on the screens of Apples iPhones, tablets, iPods, TVs and watches.Imagination公司享有可以强化苹果设备屏幕图形处理性能的知识产权,这些设备涵括了iPhone,iPad,iPods,电视以及手表。Just over half of the companys annual revenue comes directly from Apple.该公司有多达一半的年收入必要来自苹果。In a statement, Imagination said Apple had said it is working on a separate, independent graphics design in order to control its products.Imagination公司在一则声明中说:苹果正在独立国家研发图形设计以便于做更佳的品控。But the British tech firm doubts Apple will be able to come up with a standalone solution.但是这家英国技术公司猜测苹果并无法独立国家研发出有一个解决方案。
Apple has not presented any evidence to substantiate its assertion that it will no longer require Imaginations technology, without violating Imaginations patents, intellectual property and confidential information, the company said.该公司称之为,苹果目前仍未获取出在不侵害知识产权及机密信息的情况下,仍然必须Imagination技术的证据。